Monday 27 December 2021

Be grateful!

Let’s end the year on a positive note. 

Covid-19 is still a challenge for many of us. This year has not been an easy one for many people, as a reader I am sure you can attest to this. There is poverty in the society as some people have lost jobs, food and fuel prices have gone up while some salaries are stagnant. We are caught between a rock and a hard place, whether or not to vaccinate being the hardest decision to make these days. With these happenings and realities, the biggest question is how do we end the year? 

We have had Covid-19 for the whole year and that being a new experience for us. We are thankful to God that all of us reading this blog are alive and we can only be grateful and want to do something about what we have been given in our hands. All of us have been given something to contribute here on earth. These times call for people who are going to make a living through sharing what the Maker put into their hands. An interesting thing to know is that the world has never failed to pay people who provide solutions. 

'The entrance into a new season, pushes you to the exit the old one.’ Aubrey Chiloane. We have had Covid-19 for the whole as I have stated above but this comes with an advantage. Our planning for 2022 will have Covid-19 and all that comes with it in mind… Don’t be on new day with an old mindset. Don’t be on a new year with an old mindset. To make it through this phase our minds need to be renewed continually and by doing so we will thrive since we will be people who see the world using different lenses and this will positively impact our actions. 

We must not be people who cry to the point of missing the good we can appreciate. Some of us are used to good times that one bad day in a year has power to make us forget about the 364 days in which everything was perfect.

Apostle Paul encourages us to think about the goodness of the Lord, he says we have a lot of positive things that we need to fix our minds on. (See Philippians 4: 6-8 )

Let us end the year with Gratitude. An attitude of Gratitude is about hope and joy, it is about surrendering all to God, knowing that ‘He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion’ Philippians 1:6. There is a reason why you are still alive and every day is an opportunity to make an impact where you are based. 

We need to be excited about 2021, we are coming out of it alive, and we have taken a lot of lessons. We can only move forward and look forward to a great year. Where you sit determines what you see, what you see determines what you do, what you do determines your destiny. Be encouraged dear readers. 

Life is about three things: learning, living, and upgrading. You must upgrade and be content, contentment is not based on perfection but based on perception, open yours there is something you must be grateful for. All of us can look back at 2021 and say to God ‘We are grateful’. We need to be the David’s of this time and expect good while we are going through a difficult time, which is a season that will be history someday. ‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me’ (See Psalms 23:1-6), this should be your daily declaration in 2022. You must have an expectant heart, expect good and good will happen.

Have a prosperous New Year! In 2022, we will see you on TOP where you rightfully belong! 

 All the Glory belongs to You, God! May God’s grace and light shine on you today and forever! 

For the success of this Blog I give credit to Leaders, Speakers, Authors, Entrepreneurs; Life and Business Coaches. The list includes Thami Ngubeni, Linda Ntuli, Ntuthuko Ndamane and SSS Mhlungu. I had a very light role and that was to put this together, the four great people I have just cited were more of Chefs and I was more of a waiter, I am just serving a meal that they cooked. 

 Blog Post Editor : Nontuthuko Zuma

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