Thursday 1 July 2021

The Power of Reinvention :

Your greatest sabotage is staying the same

Today is the first day of the month which also happens to be the first day of the last half of the year. At the beginning of the year, you might have had goals and now the question is how have you fared on them? Your answers as readers are obviously not going to be the same. At the same time need to have a common understanding that in order to finish strong in 2021 individually we would need to implement some changes in your life. 


The greatest Advocate and Apostle by the name of Paul once said 'Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up' I Corinthians 10:23 

Hear me out, many of would be leading or living amazing lives but our friends are holding us back. A friend is someone who is all about challenging you to be a better version of yourself and anybody who does the opposite is a foe. You leave foes, it is a simple as that. Your dreams are important than the title of ‘friendship’.

Habits determine the life one leads. It is important that from time to time you review them. It is better to check if you are on the right path before you get to the destination than getting into a wrong destination. Change habits that are not drawing you closer to your goals. 

It is important to understand seasons and reasons. There are things that were good at a certain time, but they are no longer good for you. There are things you are doing that you must stop doing because there is no valid reason why you are doing them. When the season has passed move to the next phase. 

My dad was a truck driver. I remember noticing how faster the truck would move if it did not have trailer. The same is true for our lives. We need to take off ‘trailers of relationships’ that are not helpful and beneficial so that we move faster towards being the best were called to be. I also remember that he was told which routes to use… In our case, our goals determine the path we must follow, the path of discipline and focus.

Dad with my Brother and Sister

To live the life you want to live, the life of impact, the life of significance is only and only possible when you have the right company around you, have good habits and you understand seasons. Remember if it is not helpful, does not buld up and beneficial, you need to drop it. It is not worth your time, effort, attention and brains. You have what it takes to finish strong! 

Thanks for engaging with my work … Two Books Coming Soon! An Anthology of Poems and an Inspirational Book

Meet the blogger: 

Brother M.P.K Thabana oaMokoena

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