Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Power of Imagination

By: SoniaBDorsey

“This column is credited to the Kingdom Citizen Sonia B Dorsey from the USA. I got to know her from her YouTube channel, after I kept on listening her reading books and commenting on them. I felt like she needed to share her experiences on a piece dedicated to the youths in the R.S.A. Hope you will learn from her good people” Mthobisi Thabana

Greetings! I hope all is well and you are doing great in your endeavors. You are doing great in your choices and are moving closer to your hopes and dreams every day.  If you will recall, we were discussing how to serve our gifts to this generation. We were having a conversation about how and what you can do now in order to share with the world, that thing, that God Almighty placed only inside of you. We stated that we need to decide. Our decisions have a profound impact on our lives. Everyday decisions bombard us. Our decisions dictate our lives. From the simplest ones to the greatest ones, over time, they impact our lives. Think about it. Something so simple as eating too much sugar or salt , over time, can be a detriment to your health. Something so simple as hanging out with people for a few hours, instead of studying, can become a detriment to our educational goals. Lastly, and probably, most importantly, not recognizing our talent and gifts, nurturing them to maturity, and serving them to our fellow man, can have a major detriment to our satisfaction in this lifetime.

I think for many of us, its that we don't consider the time element of decision making. I know for myself, I started really considering the time element because it relates to what I want to see happen in my lifetime. I bet if you think back over your life, you can recall that someone invested in you. Maybe it was encouragement, financial assistance, chastised (Hebrew 12:6), reminded you of your opportunity, whatever benefited you was God's way of investing in you. Even if at times, it was uncomfortable (Revleation 3:19), if in the end you benefited from it, it was His hand at work in your life. It's all to prepare you for your work, your service to your generation. Count your blessings! Now, let me tell you what that means. It means that you don't get to waste this opportunity. You are valuable and  your potential is needed for His name's sake. 

Once you have decided that you want to serve your gift to your generation, you have to sit down and write it out on paper. It's not enough to say to yourself, "I want to be the best cook, teacher, dancer, professor, lawyer, etc.," you name it, you have to sit down and write it out. Something happens when you put pen to paper. I don't know why that it is but it is. For me, when I sit down and write out things in my own handwriting, I feel more connected to our resources. So, sit down and write out your dreams, hope, and desires. When you write it down, or type it, this is where you get to imagine your future. Now, its to your benefit to imagine BIG! We serve a big God and guess what? The earth and everything in it belongs to Him. He desires to give you the desires of your heart. Dream big on paper! How do you know if your dream is inline with His purpose and plan for your life? In my experience, when my dreams are to better others and benefit others, I know that I am in line with what God desires for me. I feel really good about my successes and any thing that doesn't go according to my plan, is only a learning opportunity and there is knowledge to gain there. So, keep that in mind. Having your plans on paper, gives you the ability to keep notes (preferrably in one notebook) on what, who, when, where, and how...

 If you want to put God to the test in your life, write down your deepest, biggest dreams. I will tell you what happened to me when I did this many years ago. I actually still have the notebook as a testament to what God can do through one person. I wrote down what I wanted, when I wanted it, who I needed to network with, and the time frames I wanted to have it accomplished by. It would take a long time to read all that I wrote but let me say this: one of my desires (written down), was to write for a paper at the university level, but to make it most meaningful by encouraging men and women into their God given potential. Friend, God is good. Not only is He satisfying the gift in me, but He said, your gift will make room for you. It has been a pleasure to write for God and produce works with His guidance. When you pursue your gift, your God given talent, doors open for you... and where there is none, He creates one. This is called innovation. Some of us, it's that your gift/talent is to be at the forefront of creation for your generation. So don't take this part lightly...take the time, to sit down, and write. Think of it this way, this writing is to be akin to your success road map.

Remember success, like failure is calculated. Well, let me give you this also, not having a written plan, a written account of your hopes, dreams, desires, and wants, is like getting in a car to an unknown destination without a road map or a GPS enabled device. I don't know about you, but I do not like waste. Especially wasting time. Time is your greatest asset. Use it wisely. Imagine where you will be 2 years from now, 3 years from now, 5 years from now. For some of us, it's easy to take the time and write out your strategy to get there. Take your mission, write it down and create a strategy to get there. In this manner, your time, your greatest asset, is that much closer to being spent wisely. For example, if you want to be the best teacher. Your writings should include the classes you will takein school, the tactics to make the best scores on assessments. Don't stop there. Write down what you will wear to graduation and who will be there to applaud your success.  Write down what kind of teacher you want to be, who you will network with, which schools you will want to work with, how your students will view you, imagine what your class will look like, write so descriptively that when you share this writing with someone, they will be able to visualize your classroom with its sky blue walls and learning paraphernalia. 

As much as I can, I write. Why? I love the feeling of accomplishment. You will feel most accomplished when you see what God enabled you to accomplish through being focused on your gifts and fine tuning your craft in such a way that only He will be able to get the glory at your success. Friend, at the fullness of time, when all things are in His order, He will complete the work He started in you. He will fulfill His purpose in your life. You will be usable for His purpose. I know many people who pray the prayer: Lord, use me. But, I believe God is like: use what? What did you do or have done that makes you usable. Think about it. When you do your part, He can do His. He said we were created in His image, in His likeness. He said, we would do greater works than Jesus. In our Father's Kingdom, all our gifts are used for His glory. In addition, since He is King of kings, why would we serve anything less than the best to any king.

Once you have decided on fine tuning your gift, sit down and write out your mission and how you will accomplish it in serving it to your generation. Use every bit of your imagination and dream big! Once you have it written down, it's ok to revisit it and make changes as you acquire knowledge and understanding of your talent. Have fun with this part! I am!

 God is waiting for an opportunity to answer what it is you desire (Psalm 37:4)!

Scripture references include: Purpose discovery: Proverbs 19:21; Focus Factor: Matthew 8:27; Life Mission Statements and Plans: Habakkuk 2:1-3; Increasing faith for better decisions: John 16:13. 

We are enough. I dare to share. 

Access  Sonia’s work @

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