Sunday 11 September 2016

Stay On Track

 A Biblical based track to help us live a real Christian life so we can make it to Heaven in the end.

Why is it that some people begin their Christian life very sincerely, they trust the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, they intend to live a Christian life but somehow very soon along the way something happens?

Either they get discouraged by something or they have some personal problems or something somebody else says, maybe their past catches up with them, or maybe they did not quite understand what does being ‘born again’ entails to begin with. The purpose of this piece is to help us to stay on track as touching the affairs of relationship with God.  

Everything in life was created with purpose, the birds were created to fly. Humans were created to be in the presence of the Lord, if you take a man outside the presence of God, he or she malfunctions. Without God, you are hopeless. If you grasp today’s message, I assure you that you will experience peace at its best! you will also get to have an intimate relation with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

A track for an effective Christian life: 
1. Schedule Prayer & Meditation in God’s word as a daily priority, (see Psalm 1:1-3; Joshua 1: 1-3).        It is very important for a child of God to spend time meditating on the word of God. Meditating, means you read the word of God and you begin to mediate, ask yourself “what that means? What it suggests to me personally? and how can I do that?”. As a Christian it is highly commendable for you to hide in a solitary place to be with God and ask for his grace for the day, just like Jesus (see Mark 1:35). 

2. Obey God & leave all the consequences to Him. This requires courage, patience, and understanding. There is no consequence that God cannot bear. Obeying God is a way to show that we love and desire to love Him (see John 14: 15, 21 & 23).

 3. Trust God in every circumstance. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3: 5-6). This verses calls us to recognise that God has the right, power and privilege, solemn wholly right to guide and direct our lives. 

4. Wait upon the Lord for his direction, (see Psalm 27:14). This is one thing we must understand about God, when he says do not do something and you disobey him you are heading for a disaster. His orders are meant to keep us from the evil one and his wills. You cannot be intimate by Him if you disobey Him. Isaiah 64:4 “… [He] acts on behalf of those who wait for Him”. 

5. Depend upon the Holy Spirit. He is the vital part of the track. The latter is true because he equips you to do everything that Christ and God wants you to do. With your strength you will get in trouble. The Holy Spirit’s task is to energise, protect us and give us the strength to say no! when we are tempted (see John 14:16-18).

 6. Remember God loves you unconditionally. At the heart of this point, is the fact that you must know that God loves you no matter what happens today or how people treat you. If you do not experience and believe this, you will get off track – I guarantee you! If you have wronged God, you should run back to Him immediately, instead of babysitting what you would have done.

 7. Give to God generously, (see Luke 6:38). Giving helps us to be free from being egocentric and greedy. Givers are the happiest people. How could you withhold from God, who gave up his only begotten Son for the salvation of the world? 

8. Rest in the assurance that God has absolute control of your life. This is the major part of the track. You must always know that God knows what you need. He is in charge, He is in control of everything (Psalms 103:19) and that is where we recognise His sovereignty, He is going to cause everything to work for our good. Our problem is that we do not trust Him, so we miss out of His best that He has to offer us. 

9. Keep your eyes on your destiny. “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” Jesus said in John 14:2. Without Christ, you are eternally separated from God. The final day is looming, we will be judged on the basis of three things: How much light of truth did we know? How much opportunity did we have? and what did we do with it?

 I appeal to the brothers and sisters, who were fervent when they came to university, but somehow got corrupted… as well to those who do not know Christ to repent of their sins, to be born again and to follow Christ…

 Remain blessed and always ensure that you are in good terms with the God Trinity and the dictates of the Bible, our Constitution as Kingdom of God citizens. 

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