Saturday 3 September 2016

Ascending the success ladder

Moving ‘From Zero to Hero’, academically as well in all spheres of life.

Over the years the subject of success has gained the attention of boys and girls around the world. This has given rise to many ideas about and approaches to success. Success is a gem that captures the aspirations of everybody. However, all round success is hereby discussed as stated in Joshua 1:8. Success does not come on a platter of gold. It is good to desire success but there is a great difference between desire and accomplishment. God was purposeful at creation and was successful. True success is Christ centred and God-glorifying. God has put into us the key that unlocks the door of success. Success is the very will of God for His children. This is clear from the uniform testimony of scriptures (Joshua 1:8; 3 John 1:2 Psalm 1:1-3).

Seven Steps of Success Ladder 

The following steps can guide you to succeed in a godly way. 

Step one, you should define your priorities, goals and future (Prov. 24:9). Step two, you should defeat all the enemies & weakness on your pathway to success. For example, under-sleeping, over-sleeping, procrastination, lack of proper organization etc. Somebody once said, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. Your results will be immensely and chiefly affected by your relationships. In light of the latter, we can therefore say, determine your friends and studying partners, this is the third step towards being successful. Step four, determination & planning are integral for your success (see Dan. 1:8; Lk 14:28-32). Success is the achievement of a pre-determined worthwhile goal. Remember the line that reads “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” by Benjamin Franklin. Apart from the devil our greatest enemy is our flesh. You might have observed the fact that your flesh tolerates you doing bad things like oversleeping, but when it comes to doing the right things it becomes a fierce struggle to do them. Think about this, how many times do you check your watch when you are studying than when you are watching a movie or chatting with friends.

 This then brings us to step five, you must be disciplined and have self-control (I Cor. 6:12; Prov. 6:6-11). What we eat and when we sleep should be regulated. Success and pleasures are enemies to one another. Step six, focus on diligence and carefulness (Prov. 22:29; Ecc. 9:10; Rom 12:11) Diligence is exercised when a student attends all his classes; writes notes regularly; does his assignments and submits them on time; reads up the note on time; revises past questions, participates in group discussions; reads and follows instructions in examinations; understands questions before attempting them; praying before and after the exam; helps others in the form of tutorials and materials sharing etc. Last but not least, step seven, is all about the defense and stability (I Cor. 16:9; 2Cor. 2:11; Eph. 6:10-18) Most failures that occur after much efforts may not be outside the working of the evil one. Success is not without some visible and invisible forces, which call for defense by putting on the whole amour of God. 

Remain blessed and always ensure that you are in good terms with the God Trinity and the orders of the Bible and our Constitution as the Kingdom of God citizens.

This column is credited to  Deeper Life Campus Fellowship - Academic Seminar, Sermon Notes.

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