Monday 27 December 2021

Be grateful!

Let’s end the year on a positive note. 

Covid-19 is still a challenge for many of us. This year has not been an easy one for many people, as a reader I am sure you can attest to this. There is poverty in the society as some people have lost jobs, food and fuel prices have gone up while some salaries are stagnant. We are caught between a rock and a hard place, whether or not to vaccinate being the hardest decision to make these days. With these happenings and realities, the biggest question is how do we end the year? 

We have had Covid-19 for the whole year and that being a new experience for us. We are thankful to God that all of us reading this blog are alive and we can only be grateful and want to do something about what we have been given in our hands. All of us have been given something to contribute here on earth. These times call for people who are going to make a living through sharing what the Maker put into their hands. An interesting thing to know is that the world has never failed to pay people who provide solutions. 

'The entrance into a new season, pushes you to the exit the old one.’ Aubrey Chiloane. We have had Covid-19 for the whole as I have stated above but this comes with an advantage. Our planning for 2022 will have Covid-19 and all that comes with it in mind… Don’t be on new day with an old mindset. Don’t be on a new year with an old mindset. To make it through this phase our minds need to be renewed continually and by doing so we will thrive since we will be people who see the world using different lenses and this will positively impact our actions. 

We must not be people who cry to the point of missing the good we can appreciate. Some of us are used to good times that one bad day in a year has power to make us forget about the 364 days in which everything was perfect.

Apostle Paul encourages us to think about the goodness of the Lord, he says we have a lot of positive things that we need to fix our minds on. (See Philippians 4: 6-8 )

Let us end the year with Gratitude. An attitude of Gratitude is about hope and joy, it is about surrendering all to God, knowing that ‘He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion’ Philippians 1:6. There is a reason why you are still alive and every day is an opportunity to make an impact where you are based. 

We need to be excited about 2021, we are coming out of it alive, and we have taken a lot of lessons. We can only move forward and look forward to a great year. Where you sit determines what you see, what you see determines what you do, what you do determines your destiny. Be encouraged dear readers. 

Life is about three things: learning, living, and upgrading. You must upgrade and be content, contentment is not based on perfection but based on perception, open yours there is something you must be grateful for. All of us can look back at 2021 and say to God ‘We are grateful’. We need to be the David’s of this time and expect good while we are going through a difficult time, which is a season that will be history someday. ‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me’ (See Psalms 23:1-6), this should be your daily declaration in 2022. You must have an expectant heart, expect good and good will happen.

Have a prosperous New Year! In 2022, we will see you on TOP where you rightfully belong! 

 All the Glory belongs to You, God! May God’s grace and light shine on you today and forever! 

For the success of this Blog I give credit to Leaders, Speakers, Authors, Entrepreneurs; Life and Business Coaches. The list includes Thami Ngubeni, Linda Ntuli, Ntuthuko Ndamane and SSS Mhlungu. I had a very light role and that was to put this together, the four great people I have just cited were more of Chefs and I was more of a waiter, I am just serving a meal that they cooked. 

 Blog Post Editor : Nontuthuko Zuma

Thursday 1 July 2021

The Power of Reinvention :

Your greatest sabotage is staying the same

Today is the first day of the month which also happens to be the first day of the last half of the year. At the beginning of the year, you might have had goals and now the question is how have you fared on them? Your answers as readers are obviously not going to be the same. At the same time need to have a common understanding that in order to finish strong in 2021 individually we would need to implement some changes in your life. 


The greatest Advocate and Apostle by the name of Paul once said 'Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up' I Corinthians 10:23 

Hear me out, many of would be leading or living amazing lives but our friends are holding us back. A friend is someone who is all about challenging you to be a better version of yourself and anybody who does the opposite is a foe. You leave foes, it is a simple as that. Your dreams are important than the title of ‘friendship’.

Habits determine the life one leads. It is important that from time to time you review them. It is better to check if you are on the right path before you get to the destination than getting into a wrong destination. Change habits that are not drawing you closer to your goals. 

It is important to understand seasons and reasons. There are things that were good at a certain time, but they are no longer good for you. There are things you are doing that you must stop doing because there is no valid reason why you are doing them. When the season has passed move to the next phase. 

My dad was a truck driver. I remember noticing how faster the truck would move if it did not have trailer. The same is true for our lives. We need to take off ‘trailers of relationships’ that are not helpful and beneficial so that we move faster towards being the best were called to be. I also remember that he was told which routes to use… In our case, our goals determine the path we must follow, the path of discipline and focus.

Dad with my Brother and Sister

To live the life you want to live, the life of impact, the life of significance is only and only possible when you have the right company around you, have good habits and you understand seasons. Remember if it is not helpful, does not buld up and beneficial, you need to drop it. It is not worth your time, effort, attention and brains. You have what it takes to finish strong! 

Thanks for engaging with my work … Two Books Coming Soon! An Anthology of Poems and an Inspirational Book

Meet the blogger: 

Brother M.P.K Thabana oaMokoena

Saturday 3 April 2021

The First Saying of JESUS on the Cross : Understanding its implication for US

We bless God for making us to celebrate our Passover Celebration after we missed last year’s one due to Covid-19. It true that last year we celebrated the Passover online and in the comfort of our home but there is something that comes with being together. There is power in being in God’s house, so says Ancient King and Worshipper, David ‘I was glad when they said to me ‘Lets us go into the house of the Lord’” Psalm 122:1 and that was the case with us when the president announced that we will be allowed to have services. Albeit we have been allowed to meet but we still need to take heed of Covil-19 protocols.

Apostle Sello Rakometsi
(Gospel of the Kingdom Int'l)

God was kind enough to give me an opportunity to preach or teach on the first saying of Jesus. I was asked to share by Apostle Sello Rakometsi of the Gospel of the Kingdom Church Int’l and I gladly accepted. I was a bit scared, but I did it. That does not sound good, God helped me to do it, now this sounds good.

 Let us cut the long story short of how I got the chance to preach and how did my sharing go and get straight into it, please read the following scripture with me, I mean the very first ‘Saying of Jesus on the cross’:

“And Jesus prayed, Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do. And they divided His garments and distributed them by casting lots for them. [Ps. 22:18]” Luke 23:34



Jesus’ first utterance in the cross set the tone for His earthly mission. Our King, Lord and Saviour is saying “my ministry has been and shall continue to operate by grace. Hence, we are living in the dispensation of grace.

We know that Jesus is 100% Men & 100%. In this saying He makes realise that it takes God to do God what can do. In this case, Jesus wanted to deliver forgiveness and could not do it by Himself. Jesus asks for the strength from the Father through prayer.

One of the most amazing truths about our walk with Jesus is that He is always there to guide us. He was through what we are going through. He walks the talk. It is in the Gospel according to Matthew where He is saying ‘Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you’ Matthew 5:44. At the cross He kept His Word.

God is spirit and so we are. He did not respond to what was happening emotionally instead he responded spiritually. He LOVED them while they HATED Him. He BLESSES those who CURSED Him. He did GOOD while they were EVIL and HATED Him. He PRAYED for the people who PERSECUTED Him. This then says to us if Jesus did it, so we can. By the way we are made in His image, after His likeness (See Gen 1:26). We can do it.

Jesus stood by the WORD in spite and despite off and we are also encouraged to do so. The Ancient King and Great Philosopher says “If the spirit of the ruler rises against you, Do not leave your place:…” Eccl 10:4a. He never left His place. Not matter how trying and testing life may be, never leave you place. No matter how hard things may be and look like, never leave you place. God never says things for the sake of just saying them, when we do what He says victory is guaranteed. Daniel is one Bible character who exemplified that not leaving your place has great results. He never left his place in terms of prayer and God stood by Him and revealed Himself in the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6) and at the fiery of furnace when he was with his friends (see Daniel 3: 8 - 25).

Our elevation is just one step ahead of our situation. An ancient Advocate and Great Apostle said “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 Jesus’ response at the cross was action out of goodness.

The Word further reads “…And they divided His garments and distributed them by casting lots for them. [Ps. 22:18]” There are people who love what God has but not God Himself. They love the BLESSING without loving the one who BLESSES. May God help us to love Him just because He is God as we seek His Kingdom all we need will be added, but these things must not be the reason we go to church. This is the most interesting fact; nothing comes to God as a surprise as you can see the quoted verse from the book of Psalms 22:18. What happened at cross what prophesied long in Psalms 22:18 before it happened, before even world was founded. We serve a great God, who does great things.

The key word for the 1st Saying is the word FORGIVE. This is the theme of the first saying. To get a deeper meaning of it, let us explore it as an acronym:

FULL UNDERSTANDING – Jesus had a full understanding of what was happening, at stake and what his death meant. This made it easy for Him to pray that they be forgiven. This knowledge affected his reaction at the cross, they acted out limitation of knowledge He says “they do not know what they do” and what He knows made Him to forgive them.

OMNIPRESENT – Jesus has an amazing character of being able to look at the past, the present and the future at the same time. This then made Him to make a way for us to be saved before we even committed the sins. This is clear as we read “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 NKJV

RENEWAL – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV. This verse tells us the great work God is able to deliver when we give our lives to him. We get renewed – new beginnings!

GIVER – Giving is an attribute that must never be hard for the Kingdom of God Citizens / Believers because it is the essence of God’s Kingdom. Love makes one give, giving is even more powerful when you consider the value of what or who is given. Jesus gave His life for us, we know that He loves us (see John 3:16).

IMMORTAL – At the cross there were a lot exchanges that transpired but I love the one that guarantees us eternal life. Where we made not to fear death and understand that “whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s” (see Romans 14:8). “Truly I say to you, If a man keeps my word he will never see death.” John 8: 51

VICTOR – One of the shortest verse on the Bible / Kingdom of God Citizens Constitution reads “It is finished” John 19:30. At the cross Jesus attained victory, He was not a victim as some believe. He ended many things amongst them being death, sickness, sin…


EVERLASTING GOD – Our God is consistent. He ensures we never get to live a day without His mercies and this is true as we read “Through the Lord ’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23 NKJV

In a nutshell,

Walking with God makes it easy to forgive people because we see beyond what the naked eyes can see.

 You might say Jesus could forgive when He was persecuted because HE is God – but you must understand that you are made in His image, and His likeness. This means you are capacitated to do what Christ did.  Think about Stephan the Deacon we read about from the Acts of the Apostle who said “Lord, do not charge with this sin” Act 7:60 while he was being killed. This goes to prove that we do not forgive people by choice and if we look these two incidents we see that they were critical. They involved death yet someone of us fail to forgive others for minor things.

For all who wronged you, forgive them, they had no revelation.

Forgiveness is one of the core factors in the walk faith.

Christ’s main mission is save people made possible through forgiveness

As we celebrate the death and the resurrection of Jesus. May God gives the grace to fully understand the essence of the work at the cross. May we be complete. For some of us the huddle or the hold will be the on the very first saying and we will miss what God promises.

May God’s Grace and Light Shine on you, Today and Forever.

                                                                 Meet the blogger

Brother M.P Thabana

Monday 24 August 2020

Happy Women’s Month Message

The cold is still there but it is during this month that the winter becomes weak. Vegetation starts to acquire the green colour. The hills and mountains get some green blanket. This is how nature functions and we must try by all means to learn from her. The world goes through seasons and moves smoothly from one season to the next one. 

When news came about the Covid-19 pandemic it seemed as if that was the end, people lost hope. We have now adjusted to living with it and we strongly believe that this too shall pass.  Just like the winter season makes way for the spring season, this Covid-19 is gradually making a way for a new season.  

In South Africa this month is fully dedicated to women. We hope and believe that most of us are aware of the background. Shortly, the women of 1956 organised themselves to the common purpose of goal. We would therefore urge women of today to revive their goals and purposes in life.

‘When you educate a man you educate an individual, when you educate a woman you educate a generation’ African Proverb. By nature design women are nurtures and it is in the process of nurturing that the latter part of this proverb is seen in action. If women can take their rightful position a lot of things will be in order in the society. This journey begins at finding your identity as woman, which leads to discovering your purpose and these two aspects make it possible for one to live life in her terms… 

Women must carry themselves as women. We know that this statement may start some debates but for once this is not our intention. That would be a subject for another day.

For now we encourage women to ensure that their goals are achieved. This can be done individually or collectively, but as long as there is a good intention to it. The world is in desperate need for women of purpose, the ones one would not mind multiplying as he knows that they can certainly make the world a better place. Determined, motivated, focused, disciplined… these are terms that define the women that we have just referred to.

Rofhie a student at the University of Venda, initiated, made and produced hair oil and soup. 

Ladies we want to wish you all the best in your month. Let it bring all the mercies in your life. Remember to work hard day and night. Do take some rest where necessary. 

By S.S.S ‘Triple S’ Mhlungu & M.P Thabana; a mentor and a mentee 

S.S.S "Triple S" Mhlungu
M.P Thabana

Tuesday 16 June 2020

A Luta Continua / The Struggle Continues for the Youth

June is the youth month because the 16th of June is the Youth Day. Your mind might be troubled as you ponder on why would I title a piece about the youth with a title that some might consider as a negative phrase with ‘struggle’ as the key word. Please do not be hard on the brother, care to allow him to explain himself.

“The only constant in life is change.” Heraclitus. In 1976 the Soweto Uprising transpired and that was 44 years ago. The youth that lived at that time were living in challenging times. Their struggle was that of the system that made the lives a living hell. The struggle has not stopped and will never stop. We have to come to an understanding that a struggle is lifetime issue. Our effort should not be on ending the struggle but on living with it. Today’s youth face the struggle of keeping with the times. Hence, the title ‘a luta continua for the youth.’

 Few thoughts

Reactivity, Proactivity and Planning: 

Young people must not be reactive instead they must be proactive. Reactive people lead a stressful life, life drags them wherever she wants them to and such a person stays ordinary. To be extraordinary one needs to be proactive, that is, a person must not wait for things to happen and then respond but he or she must initiate - and make things happen. A part of what making things happen means is planning. Planning is key, ‘an hour planning can save you 10 hours of doing.’ Dale Carnegie

Adapting to change:

Dinosaurs became extinct because they could not keep up with the change that had to do with the climate. We can consider the climate to be environment where we are living. A young person who fails to adapt to change will go extinct. Being extinct figuratively would mean being irrelevant. One or two understand the age we are living in. We are speedily graduating from the information age to the digital one. A young person who really understands the time we are living in must work towards getting information, training and education towards making the most of the digital age.   

Laying the foundation:

If you rush, you crush.  A lot of young people are in a hurry to go nowhere. They have lost the meaning of what it means to live, to them living means having fun all the time. I am not saying that they must not have fun, but there is a time and a place for everything. Youth is the time to prepare towards building your house, that is, your future; it is the time to lay a foundation. A lot of adults whose houses (futures) are crumbling today got it all wrong when they were supposed to lay a foundation at youth. Don’t fall on the same trap. Time lost in youth cannot be fully recovered in adulthood.


If you are not growing, you are dying. Growth is very important. It is the major element that measures our progress. While a lot can be said on this section, let me not be a man of many words and say, learn something new every day… 

Being an active and a relevant citizen:

Azania (South Africa) no longer needs to have young people who are too dependent on the government, those who ask what can or will the government do for us? This country is in urgent need of young people who have something to offer to the country. These must be individuals who are ready to share their knowledge on any endeavour that they understand and mentor the next generation. This will make Azania great now and secure this position for years to come.

A youth that will win is the one that is proactive 

A youth that will win is the one that adapts to change 

A youth that will win is the one understands that there is a time and a place for everything

A youth that will win is the one that seeks to learn something new daily

A youth that will win is the one that is has something to offer to the country  

May God’s grace and light shine on you!

Shalom! Khotso! Ukuthula!

Meet your blogger:
M. Thabana

Thursday 28 May 2020

Faith or Fear – What’s your response to Covid-19?

During the first quarter of 2020 things started to get serious about Covid-19. On the 5th of March the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed in South Africa and from then our lives has never been the same. Something that we thought was an issue that only had to bother Asia, Europe and North America in a blink of an eye was at our door steps.

I commend Government’s prompt response to Covid-19, this includes all the measures that have been put into place to curb Covid-19. 

People have lost time. People have lost their jobs. People have lost profits from the lack sales or low number of sales. People are depressed… They ask, is this the end? Will we ever get through this? Yes is the answer for these question.

Two currencies run the world. One of them is from the Kingdom of God while the other ones from the kingdom of darkness. I am referring to faith from the former Kingdom and fear from the latter kingdom. 

The only way we are going to survive is through faith. We need to believe that a day is coming when we will refer to Covid-19 as something of the past. We had faith that the Apartheid regime was going to come to an end and it came to an end. To attain the extent of the freedom that we are enjoying today we lost a lot of things, the precious ones were souls of the likes of Hani, Sobukwe and many other great people. 

As we a losing a lot of things we must know that something better is on the way. We shall overcome!

It very interesting to notice that when things are good we never ask where is God but when things start to look disastrous we turn unto Him. In the midst of what we are going through just like David, God wants us to say these words “This is the day that the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24. Life has ups and down. We must never ever allow situations to get the better of us. God encourages us to rejoice and be glad everyday regardless of what we are facing. One might argue that I am encouraging us to turn a blind eye on what is happening in the world. No! That is not what I am saying. Have you observed that when we focus too much on any sort of challenge it grow bigger and bigger and this makes us to lose hope. Faith makes us to focus on the problem solver, not on the problem and this us makes us to be optimistic. By the way, nothing is impossible for God. We practice the above quoted verse because we know that all things work together for the good of God’s children. Our God is in charge… All things work for good, even in days like these ones. 

Out of the lock-down here is what we have got or are getting:

  • A chance to be with the family: The family is the foundation of a prosperous society. The unfortunate thing is that some of us only get to have a real family time during the Easter holidays and the Festive Season. This year we are given an opportunity to be together to share love, create wonderful memories and help each other which is something that we have been deprived of for many years.
  • Business ideas: something that is rigid is bound break. Businesses have been introduced to the new way of doing things and there are people who are benefiting from this. In my house, my aunt is making and selling masks, she is able to sustain her family. 
  • Review of plans: in January you might have had plans to achieve something by the end of the year; this situation is enabling you to look at them again. This will help you to make the necessary adjustments towards attaining your goals Our plans fail to be executed when they are not regularly reviewed.
  • Wake up call in the finances department: No more will any of us live from hand to mouth anymore. The prevailing situation has made us to realise how important is it to have different sources of income and a saving account for rainy days. We have learnt the hard way though, and as a result; henceforth our finances will cater for the unforeseen situations.
  • Nothing is impossible with God: testimony

Complaining and being fearful will not help. It is time to man up and rise above the current situation. Dear people we can do better than complaining. Has it been brought to your attention that no matter how much money you have, you could not buy or purchase life? The very same mouths we use to complain must be used to express our gratitude towards God. We must thank God for our lives, shelters, families, work… the list is endless.  

Fear must not define us in any way. While we ‘rejoice in the days that the LORD has made’ let us allow the will of God to prevail. To the fearful God says “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 

The county might be under a lock-down but our minds are not locked. We need to make the most of the lock-down and this will not be possible with our minds locked. Set you mind free of any fear and anything negative and use it positively.

Although the Almighty God may not explain Himself but there is one thing that we are must be sure of and that is, He will continue to reveal Himself just like he has did with the above shared testimony. He will also continue to reveal Himself as we hear of some recoveries. 

May God’s grace and light shine on you!

Shalom! Khotso! Ukuthula!

Meet your blogger: M.P Thabana

Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Power of Self-Love (Part two)

Have Mentors:
Another way to attain greatness is through learning from the giants who stood tall against all odds. In our communities there are people we look up to, and can give us some guidance about all the walks of life. Love is an easy term, but difficult in showing it. We can learn how to appreciate ourselves by observing at how our mentors are living their glorious lives. For example, a mentor will tell about his experience; and then you learn from it. Sometimes as human beings, it is easier to get carried away and rush life; but when you have mentors you learn to take things step by step and at the pace that God has set before you. They would enlighten you about the direction that you can take in life; which will ensure that God’s plan is revealed through your ministry life.

Listen to Inspirational Clips:
Paul who was an advocate wrote a letter to one community and said “faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God”. We would be doing no harm by attempting to make some adjustment on his words and say ‘hope comes by hearing and hearing words that give you hope’. We cannot live without hope. Hope keeps us going. Hope is the difference between the dead and the living, losers and winners, pessimists and optimists.  When you listen to inspirational clips they help you to firstly develop a positive outlook in life and then maintain it. A positive attitude informs your actions. Your attitude determines your altitude, that is, your attitude determines high you can go in life.          

Inspirational words are the fuel that keep you (as a car) on the road towards you destination. When you listen to inspirational clips what is supposed to discourage you encourages you; you stop being fearful and become courageous; what seems impossible suddenly becomes possible; you stop being weak-willed and become determined; you stop doing anything at any time and start doing something at a certain time, and you make peace with your past and work towards realising your bright future. All these experiences are possible as you ask yourself, if they achieved it what can stop me? And the answer is normally ‘nothing can stop me’. Listen to the materials that inspire you to bring the best out of you.

Good company:  
Why I can’t be at the liberty to decide who do I befriend or relate with from a relationship perspective?  This is a question that frequents our minds.  Our parents and other family members are very particular when it comes to the people we spend our most time with. ‘They are being nosy,’ we might protest. The bigger picture out of all this is that whether we make it to our future or not largely lies on the company we keep. As the common expressions goes - ‘show me you friends and I will tell you your future’.  This is not a prophecy but we need to agree on this, the person you will be in five years is based on the people you surround yourself with. Unconsciously and gradually we replicate the people we spend most of our time with. We share their thought patterns. In a group of four pessimists, you optimism about anything will be swallowed up by the four fellows. It is tough and rough, when it four or any number against one you do not stand a chance dear brother/sister. We must not fight our parents and other family members over what we cited above, we must know that they are driven by love.

We can conclude that you understand self-love from the good company angle when you befriend like-minded, focused, determined and diligent people, those who add value to your life. A decision about who becomes your friend (any kind of a friend) should be based on your where you are going, your future. You miss this; you are heading for a disaster. Amos 3:3 - Can the two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? No because there will always be challenges. A dreamer will always be told, you are too hard on yourself, you can’t make it … avoid the company people who cannot help you in any way to become a better version of yourself.

Key points from part 1 and part 2:

-  Develop a Relationship with God:  He promises to save you, take your burden, protect you, strengthen you, prosper you…

Have a Clear Vision: direction and focus come from a clear and well defined vision

- Read Books: you perform at the level of what you know, read books to take your life to another level

-  Mentors:  share invaluable counsel that can help you to attain your ambitions. Those who have gone before are the ones who can show the way

 - Inspirational Clips:  make you to be positive and when you are positive nothing is impossible

- A Good Company: take care to surround yourself with individuals who take you higher or challenge you to rise

May God’s grace and light shine on you.

Until text time…

A link  (to other blog posts)

Meet the bloggers:

M. Xaba

M. Thabana 


Wednesday 18 March 2020

The Power of Self-Love (Part one)

Love is the most talked about affair in the universe. There are movies and music about it. When you read books, newspapers, magazines you are most likely to come across the word love or pictures related to it. The interesting thing we can take note of is the fact that what we have just alluded to in most cases refers to love as involving two people or more; it could be love between a lad and a lassie (a boy and a girl), friendship or it could be love in a family setting which comes in different forms.

King Jesus says ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’. It is impossible to love other people if you do not love yourself. We have somehow lost the essence of love. Going back to the basics we need to start with loving ourselves. Love must begin at self-level. The question is, how do I go about loving myself? The answer to this question is easy. It reads ‘All things are lawful but not all things are helpful, all things are lawful but not things build up’ Apostle Peter. Expressing self-love is seen when we only do things that are helpful, things which build us up.

The following are some ways one take into consideration to express self-love:

Develop a relationship with God: The first and foremost thing one must consider is that of seriously attending his or her relationship with Jesus. This relationship is very important because it assists someone to have principles to live by. These principles are on the Word, the Bible. The interesting thing about them is that we are guaranteed that when we follow we shall be great. 

‘The LORD will make you the head and not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom’ Det 28:13

God is not a human, so he does not lie – He is a promise keeper. If you really loved yourself you would develop a relationship with your Maker. God can take you from poverty to prosperity. God can make a miracle out of your misery. He is able.

Have a clear vision: ‘If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there’  Lewis Carroll.
There is no place that is called there, this was Carroll’s way of telling us that without a vision you are not going to get anywhere. You are just going around in circles. The premise of this quote is that, it is impossible to realise your vision when you do not have a specific destination. A vision makes you to be focused; it also orders your steps towards making it a reality. It gives you a direction; it is more like a map. It helps you to focus on things that matter most, the things that draw you closer to your destiny. Without a vision is one leads a loose life, they do anything at any time. The person with a vision leads a very well planned life, s/he does something at a specific time and whatever s/he does has a relationship with his/her expected end.   

 An example of how to develop a vision:

-          Where do I see myself in two years?
-          What do I need to do to get there?
-          Who can help me to get there?

The voids that a lot of people try to fill with many things that eventually destroy them are as result of not knowing what they want to achieve. Eric’s expression gives us an idea of how self-love is the result when one has a vision which most likely makes that particular person focused - When your life is focused you are far more likely to experience fulfilment and significance. Eric Deschamps 

Read books: Loving yourself is very crucial, and can contribute to a well-balanced life; because people will learn to appreciate their strengths and weaknesses. People do not understand that you don’t need a massive degree from an institution to adore and appreciate who you are. Fearing to engage with self-love just because you don’t see a value for yourself can stress you. A wise man once said that in order to be a great swimmer, you must train your limbs to work together with your mind and heart. In order for us as human beings to attain our greatness of self-love; we need to develop and train our minds about the good and the bad of life.

 The only way we can achieve this skill is through books. A book carries a whole world in it. Reading books helps you to see life at another perspective; and hence find a solution to a problem you are facing or an obstacle which will hinder your success.

To be continued

Meet the Bloggers/Writers:

 M. Xaba & M. Thabana