Monday 29 February 2016

Your future is God`s past; do not settle for less, but rather, go for His best for your life.

 A godly counsel predominantly dedicated to first-year students. 

You and I bear witness of the fact that people make promises such as; I will give you a certain amount of money, I will take care of you and other seemingly worthwhile and thrilling promises. These promises may not necessarily come to pass. This is because the value of a promise is not inevitably dependent on the promise itself, but rather, on the one who promises. God is the only reliable and guaranteed keeper of promises. Numbers 23:19, say that, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfil?”

Indeed, He is the man of His Word. In this connection, the answer to the questions that some students have such as, how will I pay my tuition and residence fee? How will I juggle to have sufficient transport fare for the whole month? And other relevant questions, are nothing when compared to what God has for them in His promises.

God created and completed you before you were brought to this world; this is evident in Jeremiah 1:5 and 29: 11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In this regard, the first step towards becoming what God created you to be in this world is to be born again, (see Romans 10:9-10). Dear brother and sister do not settle for less rather go for God`s best for your life. God`s best for your life is to become what he intended you to become in the first place. 

In Genesis 1:26 the Bibles says “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion …, and over all the earth, and …”.
The Kingdom of God citizens are expected to be ‘heads and not the tails’ in various spheres of life.  Once you are the head in respect of your academic results, there is no doubt that the funding officers will be compelled to offer you the financial aid. Regardless, of the period of the semester.
In Philippians 4:13, the Bible says “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”. God would have not given us brains if He wanted study for us, that is, play your part and undeniably God will play His part. If you obey His commandments and trust Him wholeheartedly, nothing will ever go wrong. With good grades God will make you to pick from Funza, DOE or NSFAS. This was factual with Mbali Mkila.
Let’s us compete our first piece, by presenting a testimony by the Kingdom of God citizen Mbali Mkila who is a Deans recommendation achiever, a Merit student and a member of Golden Key Honour Society.
She says, “Life has never been easy, but with God you find impossible being possible. I am not talking about mystery of a fairy tale, but a reality and a testimony”. In 2014 she was on her first year in the University of KwaZulu Natal, Edgewood Campus, it was a bumpy ride year for her. God saw here through by providing her with the registration fees for both Tuition and Residence, that was just all she needed. Mbali applied for various financial aids, but her labour was in vain. The latter did not discourage her, as she passed all her modules with flying colours. When the storms came she dwelt on the promises of God, particularly believing that God is Omnipresent (See Det 31:6). “Even though I knew that there is nothing I can do, especially since my parents could not help either because of their financial disability, I just kept on praying” said Mbali. A miracle preceded by faith in God and academic diligence happened. While Mbali had questions that no one could answer about her fate with regards to 2014`s outstanding fees. Two days before 2015 academic year registration Prof. Msibi (then Dr. Msibi) sent her a sms. By God`s grace ‘that sms’ brought good news that she got a bursary because of exceptional academic excellence, on her first year. She thought she was dreaming, but believe me she was not dreaming because it was in the daytime.  “God helped me to get this bursary because if I did not, I would have experienced exclusion” are Mbali`s words.
This was also a spiritual lesson for Mbali as she got to comprehend that God`s timing is always perfect.  ‘Do not settle for less, but rather, go for His best for your life’ like Mbali. If you find yourself in Mbali`s former situation, please don`t forget the God factor. This is because, God has a way of fixing things that is beyond our comprehension.
Remain blessed and always make sure that you are in good terms with the God Trinity and the dictates of the Bible, our Constitution as the Kingdom of God citizens.


  1. God bless you brother Mthobisi i can also testify as a second year study that being a first year student comes with lot of challenges but because of brothers like you that gives us courage and motivation i was able to not settle for less and i went for His best for my life.i so wish that other brothers and sisters will do the same as the kingdom of God citizens

    1. Thank you Zakhile Thango, hope you had a good day. If you don`t mind I would like to know how did you get to know about my blog (column). My whatsupp number is 0833411108 - I would like to meet you in person. Be level headed and stand firm in your faith in Christ. Always remember the God factor in all spheres of life.

  2. God bless you brother Mthobisi i can also testify as a second year study that being a first year student comes with lot of challenges but because of brothers like you that gives us courage and motivation i was able to not settle for less and i went for His best for my life.i so wish that other brothers and sisters will do the same as the kingdom of God citizens
