Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Power of Self-Love (Part two)

Have Mentors:
Another way to attain greatness is through learning from the giants who stood tall against all odds. In our communities there are people we look up to, and can give us some guidance about all the walks of life. Love is an easy term, but difficult in showing it. We can learn how to appreciate ourselves by observing at how our mentors are living their glorious lives. For example, a mentor will tell about his experience; and then you learn from it. Sometimes as human beings, it is easier to get carried away and rush life; but when you have mentors you learn to take things step by step and at the pace that God has set before you. They would enlighten you about the direction that you can take in life; which will ensure that God’s plan is revealed through your ministry life.

Listen to Inspirational Clips:
Paul who was an advocate wrote a letter to one community and said “faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God”. We would be doing no harm by attempting to make some adjustment on his words and say ‘hope comes by hearing and hearing words that give you hope’. We cannot live without hope. Hope keeps us going. Hope is the difference between the dead and the living, losers and winners, pessimists and optimists.  When you listen to inspirational clips they help you to firstly develop a positive outlook in life and then maintain it. A positive attitude informs your actions. Your attitude determines your altitude, that is, your attitude determines high you can go in life.          

Inspirational words are the fuel that keep you (as a car) on the road towards you destination. When you listen to inspirational clips what is supposed to discourage you encourages you; you stop being fearful and become courageous; what seems impossible suddenly becomes possible; you stop being weak-willed and become determined; you stop doing anything at any time and start doing something at a certain time, and you make peace with your past and work towards realising your bright future. All these experiences are possible as you ask yourself, if they achieved it what can stop me? And the answer is normally ‘nothing can stop me’. Listen to the materials that inspire you to bring the best out of you.

Good company:  
Why I can’t be at the liberty to decide who do I befriend or relate with from a relationship perspective?  This is a question that frequents our minds.  Our parents and other family members are very particular when it comes to the people we spend our most time with. ‘They are being nosy,’ we might protest. The bigger picture out of all this is that whether we make it to our future or not largely lies on the company we keep. As the common expressions goes - ‘show me you friends and I will tell you your future’.  This is not a prophecy but we need to agree on this, the person you will be in five years is based on the people you surround yourself with. Unconsciously and gradually we replicate the people we spend most of our time with. We share their thought patterns. In a group of four pessimists, you optimism about anything will be swallowed up by the four fellows. It is tough and rough, when it four or any number against one you do not stand a chance dear brother/sister. We must not fight our parents and other family members over what we cited above, we must know that they are driven by love.

We can conclude that you understand self-love from the good company angle when you befriend like-minded, focused, determined and diligent people, those who add value to your life. A decision about who becomes your friend (any kind of a friend) should be based on your where you are going, your future. You miss this; you are heading for a disaster. Amos 3:3 - Can the two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? No because there will always be challenges. A dreamer will always be told, you are too hard on yourself, you can’t make it … avoid the company people who cannot help you in any way to become a better version of yourself.

Key points from part 1 and part 2:

-  Develop a Relationship with God:  He promises to save you, take your burden, protect you, strengthen you, prosper you…

Have a Clear Vision: direction and focus come from a clear and well defined vision

- Read Books: you perform at the level of what you know, read books to take your life to another level

-  Mentors:  share invaluable counsel that can help you to attain your ambitions. Those who have gone before are the ones who can show the way

 - Inspirational Clips:  make you to be positive and when you are positive nothing is impossible

- A Good Company: take care to surround yourself with individuals who take you higher or challenge you to rise

May God’s grace and light shine on you.

Until text time…

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M. Xaba

M. Thabana