Monday 26 February 2018



Being responsible a missing act among us. When one individuals fails to be responsible that person is negatively affected and the people who attached to that particular person are also negatively affected. Being responsible means using your skill or competence; mental power and talent to respond to the demands of life. 

The first man that The Creator created failed to act responsibly. He had to take responsibility of the earth and his wife. Everything that was on earth was his and was instructed not to do certain things. He was also expected to be responsible for his own thoughts and actions. Adam failed to act responsible and decided to listen to his heart and to be deceived by his thoughts. 
Adam, Eva and the devil (in a form of a snake) were all involved in this case. When a loud voice appeared and asked; “Adam where are you, and have you eaten (acted irresponsibly) the fruit I warned you about”, Adam’s first response was denial. He was supposed to take full responsibility for his actions but he decided to pass it on. Adam blamed Eve. Eve did what Adam did, she also passed it on too, and Eve blamed the snake saying that it tempted her.  

Human beings are always faced with situations that force them to make decisions and the decisions they make tells us whether they are responsible or not. Adam did not take the blame and so did Eve, this is exactly what is happening in life today. People do not want to admit that their actions were wrong. We have learnt many tactics to keep our names clean despite having done wrong things. 

Have you ever asked yourself this question?  Why did God ask Adam about the act of eating the forbidden whereas it was Eve who ‘took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate’? The response is simple. God expected Adam to be responsible from any forces that were likely to tempt them. Adam failed to be responsible and the consequences of his actions were dire and are still prevalent. 

When learners are grappling to grasp the content, usually the educators are like ‘these learners are not serious…’ whereas the crux of the matter is that it is the educators who are not dedicated and creative enough to allow for effecting teaching and learning process. When one educator fails to be responsible, a number of learners are affected…

There is a girl by the name of Ntle, when she was young her parents deserted her. She grew under the care of her grandmother. She finds it hard to be in a relationship in the form of dating. Whenever she is with a guy the thought that one day that guy is also going to desert her frequents her mind. Her mother and father failed to be responsible and that is has negatively affected their daughters’ life.

Jesus was a creative person. He had different approaches to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. In some instances he used parables. In other cases he told people His purpose for His existence and who He was. His methods of preaching made Him a greatest preacher that the world has ever seen. If the preachers of the Gospel of the Kingdom are responsible enough, there would be less of comments such as ‘the people are hardening their hearts’ from them. Instead the preachers will be creative just like Jesus was to ensure that the Gospel is presented property. Presenting the Gospel of the Kingdom properly means that you must firstly study the settings and context of where you want preach and prepare accordingly beforehand.

We need to be responsible in all the spheres of life. This is to say, cultivating the act of being responsible in not limited to the case studies I have shared above. 

In order to be the best that we were created to be, we must be responsible. Let us not hold others accountable for lacking the act of being responsible whereas it us who have not been faithful, hardworking, innovative and prayerful for our situations. Dear reader allow me to reiterate these words “When one individuals fails to be responsible that person is negatively affected and the people who attached to that particular person are also negatively affected”. We can also say that when one individual becomes responsible that person becomes successful in what he does and the people who are attached to that person also become successful. I am sure that if you were to start today and take full responsibility for your own actions and thoughts you would do less blaming of others and more learning and advancing to the next level. 

Thanks for allowing me to serve you. That is all from my February Blog-Post. By God’s grace each and every month this year I will be posting at least one Blog-Post per month on my blog spot.