Monday 10 October 2016


“This column is credited to the Kingdom Citizen Sonia B Dorsey from the USA. I got to know her from her YouTube channel, after I kept on listening her reading books and commenting on them. I felt like she needed to share her experiences on a piece intended for women youths. Hope you will learn from her ladies!”
King Mthobisi Thabana 

My introduction (to the article and myself): I have been a follower of the Way for over 20 years. From very humble beginnings, God has showed me that I can do all things through His son, Jesus. Even when I ran away from Him, I turned back to Him. We all have a story to tell. We all are capable of encouraging our fellow man. Most things are color blind, we actually all want the same things. We want the best for ourselves and our loved ones and hopefully, for all people. Doing His Will, completing the purpose He has placed on my life..."It is an ideal, a cause, for which I am prepared to die...", in the words of a fellow KC, King Nelson Mandela. Though we are separated geographically, God has purposed that our journeys should cross via the air waves, the internet. Everyone can afford to hear encouragement. No one knows when someone is going through something and may need to hear something from Him. We are all vessels. I choose to allow the Highest Spirit of all to use me to profoundly impact others in the way that He designed for me to do, based upon what He knows I am capable of being able to do. Though there are times that I do not feel capable, I know it is when He has surely carried me through. He said He calls us sons and daughters...that makes us brothers and sisters of the Way. So, it is most humbling for me to converse with my brothers and sisters in Republic of South Africa, in such a way, that lifts them up and encourages them to press on, to continue, to not give up, to be fully committed, sold out to our King and Kingdom.

My prayer is that his Holy Spirit will strengthen us, as we know He prayed for us when He sent the disciples out into the world to begin saving the world over 2000 years ago and that we will not falter and we, like Paul, will die empty...serving our gifts to the world and winning souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. I love you with the love of Christ and pray for you daily. God bless.

Everything that we have access to is the byproduct of someone's idea. Maybe, it was more than one person that collaborated, but none the less, everything that we experience is from the ideas of people. Think about it. The chair your sitting on...this paper your holding was once a tree! The floor your standing on... all the end result of someone's ideas. Utilizing our planets resources in such a way, that we serve to our generation our gifts and talents (Proverb 18:16). We can all think of some good products that have helped us, and some bad products that have not helped humanity. It's not to focus on ideas being good or bad, but more so to get YOU thinking about what these ideas have done to you (both positively and negatively). Additionally, to get YOU thinking about what you can add to this generation that will have the most positive impact on it for years to come...even impacting the lives of people when you are long gone. This is what it means to live out your purpose. 

Women, remember, we were created on purpose. Don't remember? I can give you many reasons (Gen 2:18, 20, 22). One that comes to mind is procreation. Procreation, though not the first reason, just a natural reason for our creation (Genesis 1:28). Historically, women are some of the greatest influencers of our time. When you know your purpose and why you were created, you decrease the chances of wasting your greatest assets: time and money. Your life takes on meaning. It becomes bigger than you. You come to realize that you are the main character in YOUR life (not everyone else). It's important to understand that you are not what you see in the mirror. That's just a small portion of who you are. You are more than flesh and bones. You are a spirit being, occupying flesh and bones! Your spirit can fill a room. Think about it. Some people can walk into a room and change the entire atmosphere! From gloom to doom, or gloom to glee...I have seen it happen. I bet right now, you are thinking...this is so true!

But ladies, let's keep talking about our purpose. 

You are now in school and there are many things (and people) wanting your attention. Be careful. Choose wisely what you spend your time on. When you are in school, sometimes money isn't your greatest asset. No, I know for a fact that it isn't your greatest asset. Your greatest asset while you are in school is your TIME. Just as you would not want to waste your money, you should think the same of your time. When you are pursuing your purpose, choosing NOT to go to school is NOT an option. This is what I mean by iron sharpens iron. You need people in your life that will help to water your gifts and help you to nurture your gifts to maturity. That is what school does. It helps to provide a strong foundation. All that you do while in school, should be to nurture your decision to pursue what you were purposed to do.

Strong women, leave a legacy no matter where they go. They leave their imprint, their mark. In my lifetime, the women I have been privileged to be around, this is what I have come to know: you get to decide what kind of mark you want to leave behind. With that, I want to encourage you on this wise: decide today to learn why you were created and what you were created to deliver to this generation otherwise, if you delay on this simple aspect of your life, you will find yourself pursuing things that you were not created or purposed for. Even worse, you will find yourself being aimless...goal-less. That is the worst place to be while living on earth. 

So, what's the process to get started with pursuing my purpose you say? How can I share my gifts and talents with the world, especially my generation? 

Well, let me congratulate you on taking the first MAJOR step: THE DECISION. That's it! You decided to get into school to sharpen your skills (iron sharpens iron). That's a POWERFUL DECISION, with great consequences. 


This step is so important that some people don't sit and think about it and do you know what happens to them? They change majors, they quit, they drop out. This is NOT going to be your story. Ladies, you do not need anyone's permission to decide what you want to be. If you don't know what you want to be, sit down, and think about the gifts that you have, your talents. It wouldn't be a bad idea to write them down. If you have many talents, decide which is the one that you want to know all that you can about. You have to focus on one thing. This one thing, will make room for you on earth. Trust me, I know. For some of us, this might be the hardest part of our journey: making a decision. Why? The journey is filled with ups and downs. There will be so many things happening all around you that will want your attention. You have to take a moment. Yes, take it! IF you don't you will always allow distractions to prevent you from deciding what you want. We women, have so much that wants our attention. When we are not as successful as we know that we can be, we seek to find faults in others, instead of taking responsibility for the actions that got us where we are. So, decide. 

Remember, success, like failure, is calculated. Your decisions or lack of decisions dictate which you will experience in life. So, with that understanding, let's decide to be the best women we can be. Educated. Intelligent. Loving. Nurturing. Creative. Successful. Ambitious. Enthusiastic. Focused. Powerful. Purposed. Scripture references include: Purpose discovery: Proverbs 19:21; Focus Factor: Matthew 8:27; Life Mission Statements and Plans: Habakkuk 2:1- 3; Increasing faith for better decisions: John 16:13. I am a woman. I am enough. I dare to share

Remain blessed and always ensure that you are in good terms with the God Trinity and the commands of the Bible, our Constitution as the Kingdom of God citizens. (Kingdom Citizen - Sonia B Dorsey - YouTube Channel link).