Saturday 4 June 2016


Concisely: a word about communication's nature,  its bait and recommendations towards being victorious over its bait.

Communication is as old as the human race. In fact, the creation of humankind was also through communication between the God trinity; “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness...” (Gen 1:26). With the latter in mind, I am convinced, you will never be successful in life unless you have a meeting with yourself. Communication helps one to relate with other people, at the same, it is important to note that often there is an overlooked aspect of communication. Precisely, what we consider or define as communication, can go as far as becoming a bond. If we know well enough, as the Kingdom citizens we should not be the devil's toys as we relate with other people.

Communicating with someone often results to bonding with that person. When you communicate as Brothers you end up bonding with one another. This is also the case with the Sisters. The focus of this piece is on the communication (that may happen on a face to face basis, social networks or the use of cell phones) between people of opposite sex a Brother and a Sister.  

In a context of a Brother and a Sister communication (including secular people), bonding is dangerous word, bonding is as if shooting webs at each other, every time you speak with someone you shot a web, every time they listen to you they get a web and the more you talk to someone, the more webs are created. The thicker the conversation gets the thicker the webs become. Let us get practical, if I say to you good morning and you reply, there is a web, there is a bond between us, but it is a very shallow bond. If say to you good morning you, how are you doing and how is your family doing? That is a little deeper bond because I am gradually entering your life. If I ask you how is your mother, how is your oldest child if you have one, now I am getting to a deeper bond. And then if get questions like, what do you want to do with your life for the next twenty years? that is a deeper bond, I am prying into your destiny. If I further ask what are the things that really hurt you most in your life? That is an even deeper bond, right away, you are telling that person you want to get at a deeper level at his or her life that is a serious bond you want to connect.

 In light of the example that I have just shared taken from a practical experience of communication - Brothers and Sisters, you must question regular communication between you and people of opposite gender, especially if what you talk about with that person troubles your conscience and most importantly if it deviates from God's precepts. This is because if the Sister and Brother in the Lord relationship, is not founded on prudent intentions it may lead to a catastrophe. People of the world are not exempted from what I have just alluded to.

 Undoubtedly it is true that the tongue is the sharpest of all blunt instruments! In fact, most of the troubles we have are troubles of the tongue. How many have times have you said something to someone unconscious? Only to find out t what you said affected that person emotionally, this goes to prove the power of the tongue and the fact that "most of the troubles we have are troubles of the tongue” The word of God puts it “The tongue is also a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:6). In this connection, it is every person's business to be careful of what they say, because “We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check (James 1:2). See The Book of James; chapter 3: 1-9, as it summarises God's mind concerning the subject of ‘Taming the Tongue’.

The solution of the topic in question section is that you must think before you utter any words and not the other way around. Most importantly, of realise that someone was hurt because of what you said you forget about your character and appeal to your conscience by expressing how sorry you are to that person.

You have to be careful of who you bond with and what questions you ask because this bonding thing is heavily dependent on what you speak about. There are relationships you have to keep at a thin level because you do not want to get too deep. The issue is that once the webs get thick, it becomes hard to break them. If you have bonded for years, it becomes like a marriage, you cannot break that bond easily and once you break it, there is now a broken heart. A broken heart bleeds because of open wounds as emotions rise to their breaking point, and that is why relationships are dangerous or communicating with someone when one of your has other intentions as touching the issue of your communication. You do not want to develop up to a level which you cannot be responsible for. God created us in His image, He has principles that he functions under unconditionally. Therefore, as the Kingdom of God citizens, we should know where to draw a line with regards to what we can and cannot tell people about our lives, and most imperative, we should understand the intentions of any questions that are posed to us.

Even though some of us do not wear socks, but I believe we need to pull up our socks with regards to the ability to communicate with other people without endangering ourselves into bonding with them. To avoid unnecessary bonding with each other we should cultivate the habit of keeping of communicating with the confines pure motives. The Kingdom of God citizens must understand that thinking before speaking is one best principle for effective communication. If we do not control our own lives from the inside, somebody else will control them from the outside. Yes! this is true, King David could not control his eyes like Job and he fell into fell into sin (see 2 Samuel 11: 1-5 and Job 31:1). Last but not least, it is not wrong for a Brother and a Sister to communicate, this also applies secular people - but a process of relating with someone must commence with a conversation whereby both of you define your borders (a line of the things you can talk about with that person possibly because they might  lead the both of you to do things that are not in line with the orders of God.

 Remain blessed and always ensure that you are in good terms with the God Trinity and the orders of the Bible our Constitution as the Kingdom of God citizens.